Why are these animals endangered?

Pink dolphin
Fishing has contributed to the endangerment of the pink dolphin because the dolphins compete with the fishing industry for the same fish. Dolphins get tangled in fishing nets and damage them. For this reason, fishermen kill the dolphins and use them as bait. Sometimes they die in the nets. In addition to the killing, dolphin gestation and breeding is long, so dolphin numbers don’t increase quickly.

Spectacled bear
The main reasons why the spectacled bear is endangered are illegal hunting and habitat loss. People hunt these bears for superstitious reasons and use their body parts to make traditional medicine. In addition, farming has contributed to the destruction of their natural habitat.

Blue anole lizard:
It has become endangered because it is now prey to the more exotic Western basilisk lizard, which is a species of lizard brought from other parts of the country. Also, deforestation is causing their habitat to disappear.

Possible reasons to be endangered
  • destruction of habitat
  • introduction of exotic species
  • pollution
  • illegal hunting or fishing
  • climate change
  • overexploitation
  • long gestation and breeding
  • people keep them as pets
  • people make products from their skin


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